Sunday 21 January 2018

Things to do when you're having a bad day..

Hey guys.
I thought I would do a post on this in an effort to help others, because today I am having an awful day and have done some things to just make this day that little bit easier. Today it feels like everything is getting on top of me, I feel irritable, like everyone around me is going out of they're way to wind me up and like I just wanna go to bed and have a fresh start tomorrow. It just feels like one of them days when it's one thing after another and I can't quite hold it together. Here's some things I did today and some tips for you which can help you if your having one of these days:-

Go about your normal day.
Even though sometimes this may seem impossible, going about your normal day and doing what you already had planned can be really helpful. It can distract you from thinking about all the inconvenient things which have happened to you, and if your day includes seeing a friend or a loved one, this could really pick you up.

Have some time to yourself.
This could be anything that you love. For me, that was snuggling on the sofa watching YouTube on my iPad with one of my favourite scented candles burning. By making sure I allocated some time to myself, it allowed me to have some enjoyment out of the day, even if overall it wasn't the greatest of days.

Getting some fresh air and some peace.
When things are really taking their toll on me, sometimes I feel like I just need to have some space and get out of the house for a bit. When I'm feeling like that, I get in my car and drive to the top of the downs, near where I live. There's something about the peace and stillness of it which calms me down and helps me to get everything into perspective. Having a place like that, somewhere where you can get some peace and clarity can be really helpful.

Writing down your thoughts.
I don't know about you, but whenever I write things down I can suddenly see things in a different way or a different light. It almost has a similar affect to the tip above; it gives me some clarity. I've always found this really really helpful and when my anxiety was at its worst, keeping a thoughts journal definitely helped, as it creates an 'unloading' affect, sort of like talking through a problem with someone.

Having a bath.
Ahhhh. There's nothing more relaxing then running a bath, putting in your favourite bath cream or lush bath bomb and having a good old long soak. You can read a book, listen to some music or a podcast and just feel your troubles drifting away. This is something I've done since I was younger, grabbing a good book (usually a Sophie Kinsella), and dipping into a calming, lavender scented bath. It doesn't even have to be long, just a 10-15 minute soak could make the world of difference.

I hope you all find something useful from these tips and il see you all in my next blog post!

Yasmine x


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