Thursday 26 April 2018



Hey everyone!

Welcome back to my blog! Today  I thought I would tell you  about some incredible books that I’ve read over the years, some recent and some literally ages ago. These are books that I would recommend to someone that loves mindfulness or self improvement, or just a general laugh out loud cosy read to help them forget a stressful day :)

I've love reading and always have since I was a little girl. I've always found it so relaxing and I love the way it literally makes you forget everything, no matter what your going through in reality. I could be having the most sleepless night, or the most stressful, anxious day and reading a decent book just makes me forget my troubles and will guarantee to give me relief from any anxious mind.

I'm  going to tell you about a book which isquite possibly my favourite book in the world. I remember first reading this when I was maybe around 12 or 13, I think I got it from a charity shop or the library. It is the first one of the 'shopaholic' series by Sophie Kinsella, my all time favourite author. The only way I can describe this book, and the rest of the series, is just hilarious, light-hearted, easy reading that is so cleverly put together. Sophie has a way of writing so wonderfully, her books are just like a comforting cup of tea, or your mums roast dinner. They are just cosy, heart warming and settling. The series is about a twenty something year old named Becky Bloomwood. She is irresponsible, trying to find love, hide from her debts and buy quite possibly everything ever made in her favourite designer store Octagon, all at the same time. You will fall in love with her, laugh with her and cry with her. I'm telling you now, I still read these books and I still will when I'm a little old lady! Whenever I need a good reliable holiday read or want something that's just gonna cheer me up, this is my go to. I hope some of you guys will give this a chance and will love Becky as much as I do!

Another book I want to tell you about that has honestly changed my life is 'Being Happy' by Andrew Matthews. I can truly remember reading this book being a turning point in my life which has actually stuck. It was almost like an epiphany, it made something click in my head and gain back a piece of myself. Along with other things, this book was the start of my journey to getting out of the endless anxiety circle I was in inside my head and realise I was still a strong person and my anxiety did not have to define me anymore if I didn't want it to! It's basically the most therapeutic, confidence boosting, hope bringing book I've ever read. It reminds you of who you are, no matter what has happened to you and that you hold the power to your own happiness. It teaches you of how powerful the mind is and if used in the right way, you can learn to bring yourself happiness and joy and appreciate everything and everyone that you already have. Truly a life changer! I hope you guys can gain some smiles with this one!

Something I wanted to mention is the Bible. Whether you're religious or not, and I'm not trying to get you all to a Sunday service or bible studies, its just that I personally found this the biggest help of all. I remember my Nannan telling me that years ago she got depression. After some time she just took to her bed for two weeks and she read the Bible and she got better. When I was in a desperate, dark place I started to read the bible and it really helped me. There was something comforting about it and it made me remember that God is always there for me. You can get a free app called Bible app which makes it a lot easier as it has the ability to read it out to you and you can pick different translations to suit you. Sometimes I think we can all get caught up in every day stressful situations or  give far too much time worrying about things that in hindsight, don't actually matter that much. For me, reading the bible reminds me of what's important and gives me a sense of peace.

I hope you've all enjoyed this post and if you want any help or some more recommendations just post a comment! 😊

Much love,
Yasmine x

How I practice self care

Hey guys! I'm back (after a very long time) with another post on something which I have discovered in the last year or so, is extremely ...